Friday, November 23, 2012

c program for tower of hanoic problem

void tofh(int ndisk, char source, char temp, char dest);

main( )
    char  source = 'A', temp = 'B', dest = 'C';
    int ndisk;
    printf("Enter the number of disks : ");
    scanf("%d", &ndisk );
    printf("Sequence is :\n");
    tofh(ndisk, source, temp, dest);
}/*End of main()*/

void tofh(int ndisk, char source, char temp, char dest)
        printf("Move Disk %d from %c-->%c\n", ndisk, source, dest);
    tofh(ndisk-1, source, dest, temp);
    printf("Move Disk %d from %c-->%c\n", ndisk, source, dest);
    tofh(ndisk-1, temp, source, dest);



Recursive solution

Let call the three pegs Src (Source), Aux (Auxiliary) and Dst (Destination). To better understand and appreciate the following solution you should try solving the puzzle for small number of disks, say, 2,3, and, perhaps, 4. However one solves the problem, sooner or later the bottom disk will have to be moved from Src to Dst. At this point in time all the remaining disks will have to be stacked in decreasing size order on Aux. After moving the bottom disk from Src to Dst these disks will have to be moved from Aux to Dst. Therefore, for a given number N of disks, the problem appears to be solved if we know how to accomplish the following tasks:
  1. Move the top N - 1 disks from Src to Aux (using Dst as an intermediary peg)
  2. Move the bottom disk from Src to Dst
  3. Move N - 1 disks from Aux to Dst (using Src as an intermediary peg)
Assume there is a function Solve with four arguments - number of disks and three pegs (source, intermediary and destination - in this order). Then the body of the function might look like

Solve(N, Src, Aux, Dst)
    if N is 0 
      Solve(N - 1, Src, Dst, Aux)
      Move from Src to Dst
      Solve(N - 1, Aux, Src, Dst)
This actually serves as the definition of the function Solve. The function is recursive in that it calls itself repeatedly with decreasing values of N until a terminating condition (in our case N = 0) has been met. To me the sheer simplicity of the solution is breathtaking. For N = 3 it translates into
  1. Move from Src to Dst.
  2. Move from Src to Aux.
  3. Move from Dst to Aux.
  4. Move from Src to Dst.
  5. Move from Aux to Src.
  6. Move from Aux to Dst.
  7. Move from Src to Dst.
Of course "Move" means moving the topmost disk. For N = 4 we get the following sequence
  1. Move from Src to Aux.
  2. Move from Src to Dst.
  3. Move from Aux to Dst.
  4. Move from Src to Aux.
  5. Move from Dst to Src.
  6. Move from Dst to Aux.
  7. Move from Src to Aux.
  8. Move from Src to Dst.
  9. Move from Aux to Dst.
  10. Move from Aux to Src.
  11. Move from Dst to Src.
  12. Move from Aux to Dst.
  13. Move from Src to Aux.
  14. Move from Src to Dst.
  15. Move from Aux to Dst.

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